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「Solutions for the Millennium Seven problems」 is the mathematical solutions of the seven unsolved problems. They are solved from new point of view about the special relativity and the space. New atomic model, new space structure and new structure of elementary particle give us rotational electromagnetic waves and jeta function in Rieman hypothesis. The jeta function solved Birch – Swinnerton –Dyer..
「Solutions for the Millennium Seven problems」 is the mathematical solutions of the seven unsolved problems. They are solved from new point of view about the special relativity and the space. New atomic model, new space structure and new structure of elementary particle give us rotational electromagnetic waves and jeta function in Rieman hypothesis. The jeta function solved Birch – Swinnerton –Dyer conjecture , Hodge conjecture and P verus NP problem by a natural process. New space structure solved Navier – Stokes’s equation, from which the others(Poincaré conjecture, Yang – Mills theory and mass gap conjecture) are solved by a natural process. The Book of changes comes from Hado and Naksue and Hado and Naksue come from Chunbookyung before. They constructed oriental physics. Author discovered that oriental physics also is comprised of the rotational electromagnetic waves. I would think that we are in time for studying oriental physics and solutions for the Millennium Seven Problems at the time.
Author Hung – Kuk Oh was born is in South Korea 1950, finished Ph. D course in Paris 6 , 1980 and became professor in Dept of Mechanical Engineering of Ajou University at the same year. Rotational electromagnetic wave was discovered during the study of metal fatigue. It opened new bondings of atoms (atomic model), new models of elementary particles, and new structure of space. From them he discovered the secrets of the Millennium seven problems. And also he knew that the seven problems are only new paradigm of space and the rational numbers are only the structure of the space.

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